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Don't worry about Print, it's safe!


If you’re worried about distributing your marketing campaign to remind your customers that you’re opening again and that you haven’t gone anywhere via print… DON’T WORRY!!

Print is safe, throughout the pandemic print hasn’t been effected once. Although Covid-19 can be transmitted via certain surfaces, paper is not one of them. There has been ampal research that has gone into investigating print’s safety, specifically about cardboard’s ability to transmit the virus. “the virus lasted the shortest on cardboard (up to 24 hours). That time is shortened when the surface is exposed to air, with the virus becoming less and less potent the more it’s exposed. The printing process will also decrease the potency of any virus.”

The World Health Organisation have submitted many statements regarding the safety of print and not one condemns the practice of distributing print during the pandemic.

“The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperate is also low.”
— The World Health Organisation

However, the Pear Family of Brands recognises the stigma associated with print during these times, regardless of the research and statements, it is only human to be scared. That is why we are planning on launching a new initiative. Accommodation Packs are one of our newest methods of distributing your print to your target audience. Distributed to Hotels and Air BnB’s, these packs are sterile and Covid-19 free, once they arrive at the Hotels etc, the packs are distributed to occupants of rooms throughout their stay. Informing them of local activities, where to visit and what to do.

Will Maclaren